Monday, January 30, 2012

Rock Kidz for Ariel

Ariel started attending Rock Kidz starting this year 2012.
He is in Beloved 1 class.
To date, it is his 4th lesson. He still cried when I brought him to his class.
It is tough to see him in this state but I know that he will overcome this separation anxiety.
He is not attending any playgroup classes yet so he may take a longer time to ease into his Rock Kidz class.

But I am hopeful that he will soon come to enjoy his time in the sunday school.

He came home singing "Jesus Loves Me this I know" today.
It warmed my heart to see his smiley face as he sang the songs learned in school.
He also sang "Jesus is my superHERO".

thank you Jesus for making all this possible.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rae-anne flips!

Rae-anne made her maiden flip on 25 Jan 2012.
She rolled over from (back to front) her right and thankfully all of us witnessed her first flip.

Following her successful flip, she was eager to try again and again. On one occasion, she tried so fast that both her arms went pinned down by her tummy and she nearly "suffocated" as she ran out of strength to hold her head up. Thankfully I noticed her struggle and quickly held her up.
I must watch her very closely from now onwards.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Rae-anne is growing up so quickly that I find myself barely catching up with enough developmental shots of her. So before I let time slipped pass so quickly, here are some of her pictures taken when she's between 3-4 months old.

Loved her grin!

Body hugging romper!

These are my favorite gals!!

One eyed grin; too cute! :)

One day, she decided to stick out her little tongue!

My little darling! Reminds me of the days when Rachel was a baby and we were residing in the Holy Land!

Soundly asleep.

Check out this "kiow-kar" sleeping pose!

My bunny girl; taken on Christmas Eve!

I love to be bathed by Mummy!

Tummy time!

Comfy in my maclaren.

Safe in daddy's arms

With mummy dearest! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Rachel

My little lamb turns 5 today! :)
We brought her to explorerkids at AMK Hub. It's an indoor playground which is fast gaining popularity amongst the parents and kids in Singapore. Many more new outlets have opened after GoGoBambini, Fidgets, Polliwogs etc. I think the indoor feature is a plus point for the almost certain daily afternoon showers here in sg and an air-conditioned playground is
a pull factor for a humid climate.

My little girl is growing up fast! She is an independent and cheeky girl, highly sensitive in nature and still demands alot of attention from us. She loves to draw and color; enjoys doing art and craft with me; likes to climb around the fitness corner and swing herself like a monkey on the bar. She loves to sit on the swing at the playground and thankfully there's one at the nearby Vista Park playground.
She likes Princess Ariel at the moment and dislikes anything to do with Hello Kitty.

I got her a Sylvianian Family playset this year. Daddy bought her a blue dolphin soft toy. Godma bought her a puppy hospital playhouse; Grandma got her a princess collection storybook; 外婆 got her a princess Ariel doll; 外公 got her a doggie piggybank and 阿姨舅舅 got her a hello kitty castle and toy dog cage. She was thrilled to open the many birthday presents.
I ordered a princess cake and cupcakes from Sweetest Moments. The cake turned out to be pretty disappointing (didn't look great and tasted awful) but Rachel liked it anyway. Kids are easy to please.

I really hope that she had an enjoyable birthday! Being the eldest among my 3 children, she in-evidently took on the 大姐大 role. Following the birth of Rae-anne, I cant spend as much time with her as before. Very often, she's left to do her own coloring and drawing by herself. We are also more firm and stern with her in hope that she will be a good role model to her siblings.

My birthday prayer for Rachel
I thank the Lord for you, Rachel, my sweetie cutie pie. You and I shared many firsts together and you will always have a special place in my heart. I wish for you a blessed year ahead; one that is filled with adventure, thanksgiving and greater harmony with 弟弟!! You are a precious gift from Heaven and I pray to God to keep you, protect you and nurture you! May you be surrounded with God's favor and goodness. Enjoy the best year ahead! Have a blast!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 21, 2011

Letting go

Feeling abit emo tonight...
Someone's gonna spend a day out with Rachel in view of her upcoming bday. Similar requests have surfaced in the past but none has been brought to fruition (either R's sick or there was last minute changes).
Although R is turning 5 in a few days time, I still feel hard to let go. Maybe I should learn to trust her to take care of R. Just for a day.
Is this queer of me? Am I being over protective?
Should I learn to let go even as R is only at such a tender age?
I guess no one can truly understand a mother's love unless you become one.
I love you Rachel. :)
I hope you will enjoy yourself this Thursday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Woodlands Drive 16,,Singapore

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


With the birth of Baby Rae-anne, I thought that breastfeeding would be a breeze because I have successfully breastfed my two other children but it was not as smooth sailing as I thought it would be.

Rae-anne is the biggest baby at birth among my children. She weighed in at 3.93kg; Ariel at 2.835kg and Rachel at 3.655kg. (somehow mummies seemed to have super memory when it comes to remembering such figures!!)

She seemed to want to drink more and I placed her at my breast whenever she wants to suckle (feeding on demand). But that suckling need seemed to go on and on... In the day it was alright as I have my parents to stand in if I needed a toilet break or a rest from carrying her.... but comes night time, I am all alone. It was very tough the first night I got home from hospital. I didn't sleep a wink as she was very cranky and wanting to suckle. I couldn't place her in her cot to sleep as she will awake minutes later. I couldn't rest and was exhausted.

I know that lack of rest will affect my milk supply so I decided to top up with formula milk for the night feed. It went on alright for the next couple of days. I managed to rest and more milk came in. I stopped the topping up of formula milk for another two days and she started to be cranky again in the night. In the end, I thought to myself that I would top up the night feed with formula milk and get some rest.

The recommended feeding of formula milk is 120ml for a month old baby every 4 hourly. (That means you can feed her that amount of milk 6 times in a day). I fed Rae-anne 60ml at night. I thought that if that amount could last her 2 hours, it would be enough for me to catch some rest. That was what I did and so far, she managed to sleep for 3 hours with 60ml of formula milk. The rest of the feeds are all breast milk.

I am taking fenugreek supplement pills to help boost my milk supply. My mum also makes papaya fish soup for me (lunch & dinner) and I am downing that red date longan drink every day. 

I am looking forward to seeing Rae-anne getting more and more puffed up. Her two siblings can't wait for her to grow up so that she can join in the fun (or nonsense) with them. 

I can't wait for confinement to be over!! I need my cold shower! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 7 (16 Sep 2011)

I am due for my one week check up with Dr Lai today.
We decided to make a trip to Mt Alvernia to register baby's birth prior to my appointment.
Somehow naming our children has been an uphill task after Rachel's birth. We took quite a while to name Ariel and we still couldn't decide on our third child's name on the day of the registration.

After much deliberation, we narrowed our selection to a few names and we finally decided on naming our third baby:

Lee Yen Rae-anne 

Rae (Hebrew origin) is a short form of Rachel which means "ewe" (female sheep).
Anne (Hebrew origin) is a short form of Hannah which means "grace; favor".

I wanted a name that sound similar to Rachel, hence Rae-anne.

The chinese name 嫣 means "captivating".

Rae-anne's umbilical cord dropped out today (Day 7); the quickest among the three of them.
Rachel dropped hers on Day 12 while Ariel on Day 10.